Good day – Bad day – how do you cope?

What are the key factors that determine you (the reader) having a good day – or perhaps you are all too aware of the factors that come into play to cause you to suffer a ‘bad day’. 

Indeed, what is very clear to me is that what works for one may well clearly not work for someone else.

In my own case, the answer to the first part of the question would be – spending time with the ones I love, eating the type of food that I enjoy and – and here’s a factor that clearly will not sit within ‘the person beside me’ – the fortunes of my favourite football team play a big role in my general well-being!

To some folk, my admitting that the results of a football team affect my general well-being may well be ‘laughable’ – and I respect that response. However, as I alluded to earlier in this article – what works for one may well not work for another!

Another ‘key factor’ that I find in terms of ‘general mood’ is the weather. Indeed, a nice warm, sunny morning, lifts my spirits much more than a wet and windy start to any day. Equally, sitting in my garden in sunshine listening to the birds in the nearby trees and bushes certainly enhances my ‘mood’.

So, what works for you? Just take a moment to think about that question. Now go and find a sheet of paper and a pen or pencil and write down the six things that boost your general well-being and perhaps bring a smile to your face.

Then, for the purpose of this particular exercise – write down the six things that are, effectively, opposite to those that help a good-mood well-being and actually cause you angst!

Once completed you will have, before you, a decent ‘snap-shot’ of your current mood and the sort of things you need to stay ‘in tune with’ to enhance your life – and, equally, the things you need to avoid.

Go on, get writing...


  • Emma

    As you put positivity into the world you will receive it back. Everything I achieve I feel the positivity from it and no matter how big or small it’s something to celebrate!! Amazing read !!

  • Theresa

    I try and find positives in every situation, and most importantly, when things go wrong. If you look, you are sure to find something, even if it’s only a small thing.

  • Anon

    Think of the positives going on in my life and what I’ve accomplished to now. For example work might not be going well but I’m making progress in the gym so there is a positive change going on

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